Monday 12 April 2010

Apple reveal iAd platform

Apple have announced plans to significantly develop the ad functionality within applications. As users swiftly move towards accessing content via Apps rather than the mobile internet Apple have identified monetising apps as a key consideration for the latest iPhone which is being released in the summer. Rather than driving through to a URL or YouTube users will now be able to engage with brands within their application of choice.

This change will have two positive effects on the iPhone app market:

• Taking users out of their app and into the web browser was bad for the user journey, integrating with apps will encourage user engagement with brands and reduce drop-off

• Content providers will be more likely to invest in ad funded iPhone apps as users will not be driven away from their content

o They will also potentially look to integrate the iAd platform within their content to offer bespoke solutions. For example an app which uses the camera could instantly layer branded augmented reality when initiated by the ad format

How does this affect Cadbury?

Previously we have only used app ads for Fairtrade as the technology was already available to drive users to iTunes – utilizing the iphone’s integration with our only Zingolo MP3 supplier. Applications will soon provide a greater opportunity to engage users with the brand, Cadbury can build solutions for each campaign which utilise iPhone functions without having to build applications themselves.

Soon we will be able to provide augmented reality experiences combined with location services through an ad format, we could even work with key app partners such as Foursquare to integrate competitions within their product. If this technology was available this time last year it would have lent itself to the Twisted Top Secret Agent campaign adding another dimension.

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